Revisiting Google’s Business Model and the Threat of AI

In early 2017, Capital Flywheels discussed how Google’s business model was at risk of AI disruption.

Back then (and even until very recently), most people assumed Google to be the leader in AI. If anything, the mainstream narrative seemed to be the other way around: Google, armed with an insurmountable edge in AI and data, was on the verge of disrupting tech and beyond, including healthcare, autos, and more.… Read the rest “Revisiting Google’s Business Model and the Threat of AI”

Tidbits #30

Hello, hello! 👋🏻 👋🏻

Thanks for reading.

A little longer than usual, but I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it.

If you can’t get through all of it, please at least check out #20! It’s awesome. I guarantee it.

🗺 Geopolitics

#1 Twitter Locks Out Chinese Embassy in U.S. Over Post on Uighurs

Twitter Inc.

Read the rest “Tidbits #30”